Custom toys - All individual shapes

Sample of our custom production. But we can do much more, write to us.

>>> Possibilities of custom production <<<


information sign   Need help to choose the best toy for you? See our Toy selection guide.


For more of our products suitable not only for stretching, you can find in our Google gallery here:

Google gallery


If you are interested in custom toy production, please contact us via the "CONTACT" form above or directly at, we will be happy to discuss all production options with you and advise you.

Delivery to:
Upon request
Category: Training+Custom
Discreet packaging
Discreet packaging
Worldwide delivery
Worldwide delivery
Ecological transport
Platinum Silicone toy
Top quality product
Platinum cure silicone
Handmade production
Handmade production
Up to 7 days

We offer the possibility to produce various combinations of lengths and diameters, such as very long and thin dildos or short and thick ones, which are usually very hard to find. 


information sign   Need help to choose the best toy for you? See our Toy selection guide.


 artist-palette-emoji-2048x2047-zvag75yw  Colors

You can select colors from the table below. Please write the selected colors in the third step of the shopping cart in the "Enter note for vendor" window.


T Avatar of author | 22/05/2024
Perfectly, clear messaging system with good expertise and amazing toy quality.
J Avatar of author | 15/04/2024
Amazing, exactly the size, shape, colours and firmness you want. And all done really quickly, price for what you get is also just amazing!
D Avatar of author | 13/03/2024
Mám jednu z "Custom toys" krásek. skvělej materiál. Výborně zpracovaný. Materiál je pevný a neuhýbá, když nemá. domluva byla naprosto bez problému. Časem určitě rozšířím o další kus do sbírky.
D Avatar of author DeepPleasureToys (Administrator) 16/03/2024
Original rating translated by Google Translator: I have one of the "Custom toys" beauties. great material. Excellently crafted. The material is strong and doesn't bend when it doesn't. the arrangement was without any problems. In time, I will definitely add another piece to the collection.
L Avatar of author | 10/03/2024
Skvělá komunikace a hračka vyrobena přesně podle mých představ. Vřele doporučuji.
D Avatar of author DeepPleasureToys (Administrator) 16/03/2024
Original rating translated by Google Translator: Great communication and toy made exactly as I imagined. I warmly recommend.
JL Avatar of author | 10/03/2024
Velice super a rychla komunikace. Dobre poradenstvi a hlavne kvalitni prace presne podle pozadavku. Zatim nejlepsi poradestvi a pristup jaky sem zazil vzdy znova a rad a urcite doporucuji ;)
D Avatar of author DeepPleasureToys (Administrator) 16/03/2024
Original rating translated by Google Translator: Very great and fast communication. Good advice and, above all, quality work exactly as requested. Then the best advice and approach I've experienced over and over again and I recommend it ;)
R Avatar of author | 26/02/2024
Uzasna delka na prani uzasny material a uzasne se trenuje hloubka vrele doporucuji prijemne na dotek
D Avatar of author DeepPleasureToys (Administrator) 13/03/2024
Original rating translated by Google Translator: Amazing length on request, amazing material and great training depth, I highly recommend it, pleasant to the touch Our answer: Thank you very much, we are glad that you like the toy and we look forward to further cooperation.
P Avatar of author | 26/02/2024
Hračka je z velmi příjemného a kvalitního materiálu. Co jí máme, ji používáme prakticky pořád a stále nás neomrzela :) Těším se na pořízení další.
D Avatar of author DeepPleasureToys (Administrator) 16/03/2024
Original rating translated by Google Translator: The toy is made of very pleasant and high-quality material. What we have, we use it practically all the time and we still haven't gotten tired of it :) I'm looking forward to getting another one.
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